2027: Decimated politicians regrouping to hijack power, by Kola Amzat

In many parts of the globe particularly in the saner political climes of United States of America, European countries and some North American countries, political leadership is been deployed to achieve developmental strides in economy, scientific and technological inventions, large scale agricultural and educational accomplishments, innovations in ICT and strengthening security architecture and more importantly, socio-cultural developments.

In those political environments, the leaders seize rare opportunity of been in governance to selflessly pursue improving and bettering the lots of their citizenry, as well as ultimately leaving behind, an enduring legacy of entrenching their names eternally, in the hearts of their citizenry.  

The likes of John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, George Bush (Jnr), Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Chancellor Kohl, Angela Merkel were all political icons who left behind legacy of purposeful and resourceful governance in their respective countries, and never after their tenures, continue to involve in inglorious and shameless loitering around the seat of power, constituting nuisance, thereby distracting the existing government in power.      

After attaining that lofty heights in governance, they retired back to their respective homes and volitions, as against re-converging to form a new political parties, with main objective of derailing and distracting the administration in power.

But, not so in Nigeria!

In fact, this is totally in contrast to happenings in Nigeria political sphere, where new political movements are been shamelessly consummated, even while a new president is been inaugurated.

A typical Nigerian politician has come to the erroneous belief that political office is an instrument to be deployed in amassing stupendous wealth, establishing unnecessary sphere of influence, as well as continually been amongst nation power brokers for main purpose of influencing and determining economic and political direction of the country.

With the above erroneous belief, they’ve find it practically difficult to disentangle themselves directly or indirectly from the corridor of power.

This has been the bane of this great nation. This has been responsible for the nation to continually accommodate these re-cycled politicians at all level of government, with practically no fresh ideas or initiatives to contribute to governance. 

The re-grouping and re-converging of Sule Lamido, Bukola Saraki, Nasir El-Rufai, Babangida Umar-Aliyu, Rotimi Amaechi etc is situated in this realm.

Of course, in the months ahead, the nation expect that the rank of this group would obviously swell, with the likes of Kayode Fayemi, Babachir Lawal, Yakubu Dogara and other politicians who have lost out, in the power game.

It would be interesting seeing them hustling and jumping over themselves when the time comes.

Meanwhile, these are strange bed-fellows, who are only united by the selfish and inglorious ambition to hijack power.

It’s instructive to note that all the aforementioned politicians had been previously involved almost at the highest level of governance as governors, senators, ministers etc with absolutely nothing to show for their stewardships.

Bukola Saraki was governor of Kwara state, where he ruled like an Emperor, leaving on his trail, a legacy of legions of abandoned projects and humongous debt for generations of Kwarans to settle.

His tenure as senate president was not salutary, either. As nation number three, he frustrated the passage of virtually all well-intention bills of APC federal government, which were meant to better the lots of the citizenry.

 As I write, he is still answerable to the nation’s anti-corruption Agencies on issues bothering on financial infractions.

The question here: Why is he desperate to return to power? To continue with megalomaniac rein? He ought to have known by now that, the generality of Nigerians have lost trust and confidence in him.

Nigerians are presently waiting to see how Nasir El-Rufai would wriggle out of the mess of $587 million meant for the Kaduna state rural development project, comprehensively mismanaged, as well as the state’s humongous loans contracted which he couldn’t account for.

With Kaduna state of House of Assembly’s resolute and determination to unravel and get to the root of the infractions, the former FCT minister and DG, Bureau of Public Enterprises should by now, be in awareness that curtains might have been drawn on his future aspiration for higher office, which he desperately craves.

The ever lingering large-scale financial infraction that Alhaji Sule Lamido and his children got entangled and enmeshed, during his tenure as governor of Jigawa state, is still hanging on his neck like sword of Damocles. 

No doubt, this cog has been and would continue to constitute stumbling block for his future aspiration for higher political office. 

Alhaji Babangida Umar-Aliyu is already tired, with a frail look and should be concerned with his health and general well-being, other than getting involved and engages in unprofitable and unnecessary political gatherings.

Rotimi Amaechi, with his glorious past political achievements is an expired politician, and this fact ought to have dawned on him, if he is a deep thinker and of discerning spirit.

He’s been significantly decimated and muscled in his Rivers political base, so much that he’s presently more or less a political liability, and would add absolutely no value whatsoever to any political group he got enlisted.

Of course, the likes of Babachir Lawal, Kayode Fayemi, Yakubu Dogara are mainly Abuja politicians who only depend on past glory to exert influence. Nigerians should advise them to go and contest for just any office in their constituencies and wait for the results.    

Comprehensively analyzed above are the current and true standings of the “hitherto heavyweights politicians” who are busy regrouping to take over government in 2027. I stand to be challenged by anyone else, who have their better ratings.

Nigeria is a mammoth project and an emerging power force in the global political and economic spheres, and therefore deserve all hands to be on deck for her to attain the lofty dreams, and be on the path of prosperity, growth and development.

The contributions and involvements of every stakeholders is needed is she must  reach her potentials, including the politicians running helter skelter, engaging in daylight and nocturnal meetings, with a view to ingloriously hijacking the government in 2027.

Instructively, there is opportunity for everyone not only to contribute his/her quota to the country march to greatness, but, also to personally thrive and flourish while contributing, including those past political leaders, if they humble themselves.

This writer therefore admonish these politicians to come down from their high horses, cultivate and relate with the president in Aso Villa, with a view to engaging him, in positive interactions towards participating and contributing towards a prosperous and greater Nigeria, instead of engaging in unnecessary distraction that would continue to hold the country down.                     


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