Aircraft engineers advocate enhanced aviation infrastructure, job opportunities

By Innocent Raphael

The Society of Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers of Nigeria (SLAMEN) has advocated for enhanced aviation infrastructure and job opportunities.

SLAMEN made the call on Friday while celebrating the International Aircraft Engineers Day with the global aviation community.

Speaking during the event, SLAMEN’s President, Engr Mubarak Haladu, highlighted the crucial role Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) play in ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of air travel.

He disclosed that SLAMEN, representing around 4,000 licensed aircraft engineers in Nigeria, provides its members with professional education through seminars and workshops.

He added that as an affiliate of the Aircraft Engineers International (AEI), headquartered in Belgium, SLAMEN is dedicated to promoting air safety, aviation maintenance, and the professional development of maintenance personnel worldwide.

“For every aircraft you see in the air, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer must have certified it as airworthy before it takes to the skies.

“We are proud to celebrate the dedication and expertise of our members who work diligently to keep the flying public safe. Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are the unsung heroes of the aviation industry,” he stated.

To mark the occasion, the society organized several events, including a symposium on best practices in aircraft maintenance, a training session on new technologies, and an awards ceremony to honor outstanding contributions to the profession.

SLAMEN also used the occasion to call on the government and industry stakeholders to support the development of aircraft maintenance infrastructure and training programs in Nigeria.

Asserting that Nigerian aircraft engineers are poised to deliver qualitative services, Haladu emphasized the need for standard, equipped hangar facilities and more employment opportunities for qualified aircraft maintenance engineers.

“Investing in aircraft maintenance will not only improve safety but also boost the growth of the industry and save foreign exchange for Nigeria,” he said.

The aviation expert further praised the dedication and expertise of its members, as well as the global aircraft maintenance community, as he called for collective efforts to elevate the industry to new heights.

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