APC praises security forces for preventing chaos at Plateau Assembly

The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Plateau State has praised the security forces for preventing a possible outbreak of violence at the Plateau State House of Assembly on Tuesday.

The APC said that the security forces acted professionally and maturely by stopping the former members of the House of Assembly, who were sacked by the Court of Appeal, from entering the premises of the sitting.

The former members, who belonged to the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), had threatened to resume their seats as lawmakers, despite losing their appeal against the election tribunal’s verdict that nullified their elections.

They arrived at the temporary location of the House of Assembly at the Old Government House with hundreds of their supporters, but were denied access by the police and other security agencies.

The APC described the former members as “lawless and irritant” and said that their “empty threat collapsed like a pack of cards”.

The APC also urged the eight members who sat on Tuesday, seven from APC and one from Young Progressives Party (YPP), to expedite the process of swearing in the 16 new members, 15 from APC and one from Labour Party, who have received their certificates of return from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

The APC commended the Speaker of the House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Kudangbena Dewan, for his “steadfastness in standing by the rule of law and due process”.

The statement read, “The All Progressives Congress, Plateau State Chapter has commended security agencies in the State for averting a total breakdown of law and order at the resumed sitting of the Plateau State House of Assembly today 23rd  January, 2023.

“Living to its threat of gatecrashing into the House of Assembly to resume sitting as members, the  former members of the House of Assembly who were sacked by the Court of Appeal, trooped the House of Assembly temporary location at Old” “Government House with hundreds of their unruly and gullible supporters.

“The police and other arms of security agencies in the state, exercised maximum restraint and  professionalism by preventing them from having access to the premises of the sitting.

“Making a caricature of themselves, the 16 former PDP law makers had their empty threat collapsed like a pack of cards as the law enforcement agencies demonstrated maturity in handling the issue.

“The APC in Plateau State which has always believed in the rule of law and peace, urges the eight members , seven APC and one YPP who sat today to hasten the process of swearing in the 16 members of the House, 15 APC and  one Labour Party in order for the House to have full compliments of its 24 membership for conduct of seamless legislative duties.

“At this juncture, we wish to specifically commend the Honourable Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Kudangbena Dewan for his steadfastness in standing by the rule of law and due process.

“To the 16 Members who have exercised great patience in the face of all provocations, we salute and commend them for exhibiting maturity and due diligence towards the peace, security and good governance of the State. They are, indeed truly honourable men who deserve praise by true democrats.

“The APC expresses gratitude to its supporters across the state over their maturity and understanding on this logjam in spite of all provocation and intimidation by the lawless and irritant PDP horde of members and supporters.

“It urges them to remain calm and patient as the 16 members who have their certificates of return which are irrevocable and irreversible victories would be sworn -in in no distant time.”

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