Tribunal affirms Tinubu’s election, dismisses Atiku’s, Obi’s APM’s petitions

The Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, (PEPT) has affirmed the election of President Bola Tinubu.

The court dismissed the petitions filed by Mr Peter Obi of Labour Party and his Party and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP).

Also dismissed was the petition of the Allied Peoples Movement (APM).

Delivering the lead judgment, Chairman of the five-member panel of justices, Justice Haruna Tsammani, said that the petitioners had failed to prove their allegations beyond reasonable doubts.

Justice Tsammani held that the petitions, lacking in merit, were consequently dismissed.

He also ruled that all parties would bear their respective costs.

The court in the substantive judgement delivered by justice Haruna Tsammani, resolved the four issues raised in favour of the respondents.

He held that the petitioners failed to provide the necessary facts to prove all their allegations.

He held that the petitioners failed to call agents who are on ground at the various polling units.

On the lawful valid votes, the court held that such allegations was made but no other election result was provided.

“It is settled that before a party can claim that a crime was committed such Party must proof it beyond respondents doubt

“All issues raised been resolved against the petitioners, the petitions therefore, lack merit.

“Having found the three petitions to be devoid of merit, the petitions are hereby dismissed.”

His lead judgement were agreed upon by the four other members of the tribunal, who also dismissed the petitions for lacking merit.

The three petitions were by the Allied Peoples Movement (APM), the Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr Peter Obi and his party, the Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and his party.

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