CBN, FAAN relocation: Come out clean to Nigerians, Kano Emir urges Tinubu

Kunle Sanni

The Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero has urged the federal government to be transparent and come out clean with Nigerians over the controversies surrounding the Federal Airport Authority’s (FAAN) and the Central Bank of Nigeria’s department’s relocation to Lagos state.

The Emir made the call on Monday when the first lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu paid him a courtesy visit at his palace in Kano state.

The Emir encouraged the government to communicate with Nigerians in their own language to avoid misconceptions. He stated further that he is unable to understand the government’s true intentions in proposing the agency movement.

He said, “We are receiving a series of messages from our people. One of such messages is the much talks about relocation of CBN and FAAN to Lagos. I think the Government should come out clean on this matter and talk to Nigerians in the languages they would understand.

“Do more enlightenment on this matter. I for one cannot tell the actual intentions of the government, we should be able to actually understand why the relocation of the CBN and FAAN offices are now to Lagos.”

Early in January, there was debate over FAAN’s and CBN’s proposals to relocate from Abuja, the nation’s capital, to Lagos, the commercial centre of Nigeria. FAAN had announced it was moving its headquarters from Abuja to Lagos, while CBN also announced it was moving a core department responsible for banking industry regulations to Lagos. Many Nigerians, especially those in the north, have expressed dissatisfaction of the statements, claiming that it is an attempt to further impoverish and underdevelop the country’s northern area. He made additional requests, telling First Lady Oluremi Tinubu that the situation is more concerning and that she should inform the President of the nation’s familistic population’s hunger and malnutrition. The First Lady travelled to Kano to witness the dedication of the Maryam Abacha American University Faculty of Law building bearing her name.

The emir said, “Although we have several means of communicating to the government on our needs and request, your way and means is the surest way that you would tell the President the actual happenings in the country.

“The hunger and starvation, though didn’t start with this government, the situation has become more alarming and needs urgent attention.”

In the same vein, Aminu Ado Bayero, explained that, “the issues of insecurity is another serious problem we are facing. I know your government inherited it, but something more seriously should be done to take care of the threats.

While applauding the first lady for her concern for the health and welfare of the children, Bayero urged her to implement her Renewed Hope Initiative Pet Programme, noting that, if successful, it would release the impoverished from the bonds of hardship. The emir expressed concerns regarding the education of girls and requested Mrs. Tinubu to examine the matter closely and ensure that it is addressed without any issues. He congratulated her on helping the Plateau people during the state’s crises and urged everyone to make a similar effort.

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