Democrat Union of Africa congratulates PDP, Atiku on stellar campaign run

The Democrat Union of Africa (DUA) has congratulated the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar for leading an incredible campaign in the mission to recover Nigeria from the economic, security and governance woes brought about by the outgoing administration.

Nigerians will be heading to the polls on Saturday to elect a new President, Senators, and members of the House of Representatives.

DUA, Co-Chairperson, Freeman Mbowe in a signed statement said: “It is pleased to learn about the clearly stated PDP recovery plan because Nigeria is too important to the continent.

“Having monitored the campaign trail from the beginning, the DUA – the alliance of the centre-right political parties in the continent – congratulate our member party, the PDP’s and their presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar for leading an incredible campaign in their mission to recover Nigeria from the economic, security and governance woes architected by the outgoing administration.

“The DUA is pleased to learn about the clearly stated PDP recovery plan because Nigeria is too important to the continent. According to the Union, The PDP Presidential candidate has demonstrated his awareness of how crucial it is to restructure Nigeria’s government in order to boost productivity.

“More importantly, the DUA commends the PDP and their Presidential candidate for comprehending that restructuring can only be accomplished through a concerted handshake between Nigeria s Executive and National Assembly. By starting to interact with the National Assembly and forging the alliances that will launch his Recovery plan if elected, Atiku Abubakar has demonstrated how he wants to achieve his vision for a united and prosperous Nigerian society.”

He stated that as predicted by the most recent POLAF polls- the PDP candidate is projected to win the elections and form the next Nigeria government.

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