Ejigbo killing, wicked, tragic says Osun APC

…consoles Ogiyan, Ejigbo people

The Osun State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has consoled His Royal Majesty, the Ogiyan of Ejigbo, Oba Omowonuola Oyeyode Oyeyosin, over the killing of one of his prominent subjects in the ancient town on Saturday.

The party which condemned the killing also commiserated with the entire people of Ejigbo, home and abroad, over the incident.

According to the state chairman of the APC, Sooko Tajudeen Lawal, in a statement issued by the party’s Director of Media and Information, Chief Kola Olabisi, on Sunday, said the unsavoury incident in Ejigbo was tragic and wicked.

Lawal who also commiserated with the immediate family, friends and well-wishers of the deceased tasked the police authority in the state to investigate the needless brutal killing with a view to uncovering the cause of the incident.

The state APC chairman explained further that the incident may be the reason why it is urgently necessary for the police to recover illegal arms from those having them in the state in the overall interest of the security of the citizenry.

He stated that all those who might be remotely or directly connected with the killing of the innocent soul in Ejigbo should be uncovered by the police.

His words: “It sounds strange that some people will deliberately resort to the extra-judicial killing of a fellow citizen in the country where the rule of law is supposed to be our pathfinder.

“No one, I repeat, no one, who was associated with the Ejigbo killing should be spared for any reason.

“We, as a party, share in the sorrow of the Ogiyan, the people of Ejigbo and the immediate family of the deceased.

“May God repose the soul of the deceased and grant his family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss of their loved one”, Lawal prayed.

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