Electricity: TCN raises alarm over potential attack on facility

By Innocent Raphael

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has issued a warning regarding a potential attack on its facility in the Zuba Area of the Federal Capital Territory, amidst inconsistent electricity supply.

Ndidi Mbah, TCN’s General Manager of Public Affairs, made this revelation in a statement released over the weekend.

The company highlighted vandalism of its infrastructure as a major obstacle to maintaining electricity stability in Nigeria, alongside gas supply limitations.

TCN also stated that incidents of vandalism notably increased in the first quarter of 2024, resulting in disruptions to transmission operations.

According to Ndidi, in addition to gas supply challenges, TCN also faces various sector-specific hurdles with some impacting other players in the value chain but ultimately affecting national grid stability.

He added, “Vandalism is a persistent challenge, as seen in the first quarter of 2024 alone, in which five significant vandalism incidents disrupted transmission operations, necessitating emergency repairs and, in some cases, complete tower reconstruction and transmission line replacement due to acts of vandalism.

“These highlight the critical need for increased community support and vigilance in protecting transmission infrastructure.

“TCN urges heightened vigilance, particularly in the Zuba area, following alerts of a planned attack on TCN facilities in Zuba.

“We implore residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities around power facilities in the area to safeguard the integrity of our infrastructure and ensure uninterrupted power supply to all.”

The statement further urged the Nigerian populace, especially those close to TCN towers nationwide, to cooperate with TCN in safeguarding power transmission towers and cables.

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