Governor AbdulRazaq approves promotion of 248 KW-IRS staff

The Governor of Kwara State, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, has approved the promotion and step upgrade to 436 members of KW-IRS workforce.

The approval is in recognition of the contributions of staff towards revenue mobilisation mandate and in appreciation of an unprecedented achievement of N35.4billion, which represents 112% of the IGR budget of the State for the year 2022; a great leap from 95.5% achieved in 2021.

The promotion exercise had 248 staff comprising, 50 in the senior cadre and 198 in the junior cadre, while 188 staff received letters of step upgrade.

The Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq led administration in KW-IRS 2021 staff appraisal promoted 332 staff and upgraded 235 staff.

KW-IRS has restated its unwavering commitment to the welfare of staff by continuing in making remarkable achievements in line with best practices, intensifying strategic engagements with taxpayers and stakeholders, continuous blockage of revenue leakages through implementation of new initiatives and prompt deployment of modern-day technology towards actualization of the set IGR target for the year 2023.

The Service will not relent in providing conducive work and business environment, placement of premium on its workforce through an extensive training plan for all, as relevant to its operations, better service delivery, health care and work life balance of staff to improve revenue drive for the State.

The KW-IRS in a statement signed by its Executive Chairman, Shade Omoniyi, expressed its profound appreciation to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq for the opportunity and avenue to explore various innovations over the years and also appreciated taxpayers and other stakeholders who are strategic in supporting its seamless processes of tax administration in the State.

It further appreciated and charged staff to continue to work tirelessly in ensuring set target is met, remain focused and dedicated to the assigned duty of revenue administration in the State by embracing innovations required in doing more together to achieve more success.

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