If regional government could indeed manifest, by Kola Amzat

Since Asiwaju Bola Tinubu ascended the office of president, he’s been daring taking quite a number of damning and breathtaking decisions.

As he confronted and battled to submission, the ‘hitherto very disruptive and destructive’ Atlantic Ocean when he reigned as Lagos state governor, he audaciously deployed the same strategy to drew curtains on the most oppressive era of petroleum products subsidy, knocking off the annual humongous subsidy components in one moment of courage and unusual bravery during his inauguration; also a momentous moment he made the brutal pronouncement of floating the nation domestic currency, which he subjected to forces of demand and supply.

It’s instructive to note that the two policy initiatives had for decades remained a no-go area for the successive administrations, even, the then rampaging military governments.        

The ex-Lagos state governor equally unearthed the long-forgotten Oronsaye report and unequivocally ordered its execution to the letter.

Nigerians recall that the report is meant to completely restructure, reposition, refocus, re-align and reengineer the nation civil service for the main purpose of bringing it to the state where it would be contemporary, more professional, productive, responsive, nimble and vibrant enough to continually support the nation move to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in governance, thus ultimately ignites prosperity and developments in our country.

Meanwhile, the country most conceived mammoth project in modern times, Lagos-Calabar coastal road initiative that has been in the realm of execution for quite a number of years, with successive administrations obviously confused on the strategy to adopt to bring it to reality, has suddenly received the nod of the president for execution.

Tinubu dismantled the might of procrastination surrounding its execution, by courageously move for the commencement of the construction of the project, through a mouthwatering contract awarded to the construction giant, Hi-Tech Construction Nig Ltd, and also with a scheduled timeline.

It’s also important to note here that, it took the president few days in collaboration with the national assembly and its leadership to return Nigeria back to her most profound, eloquent and appropriate national anthem— “Nigeria will hail thee, Our home dear native land, Though tribes and tongues may differ, in brotherhood we stand—-“ an anthem that indeed conveys the essence of Nigeria existence, its unity and brotherhood and more importantly, connects every Nigeria to the nation umbilical cord, irrespective of the creed, religion, sex and political affiliation.

Contemporary leadership is about decisiveness, self-belief, firmness, courage, gut, grit, helicopter view on issues, discerning mind, as well as independent mind. President Bola Tinubu ticks all the boxes.

It’s in the same vein that the entire nation is waiting with a bated breath for the manifestation of the country returning to Regional Government, a bill that has reportedly passed the 2nd reading at the national assembly, and only awaiting the 3rd and final reading.

Of course, regional administration has been on the cards of successive governments over decades; they didn’t just have clues on how to go about it, just like other country-changing decisions that had suffered neglect.

Restructuring of all the facets of Nigeria polity is one project that has been on the lips of all Nigerians for decades, but political class just failed in their duties to actualize it.

Since the turn of the 4th Republic in 1999 and even, during 79-83, the nation has been adopting the American presidential model; but, the system is not just ideal for the country political growth.

The 36 states and FCT administration arrangement is too unwieldy for proper control, focus, as well as efficiency and effectiveness in governance.

Nigeria, a country of multiple ethnic groups, with incredible diversity is not just properly suited for the expensive American presidential model.

The more than 300 ethnic groups, with their diverse languages continually stand as barrier in the country quest for prosperity and development.

Across the country, there is total difference in languages, religions, cultures, traditions, beliefs, educational beliefs, ideology and philosophy. 

More importantly, each region need to grow at its own pace. This has been largely impossible with federal system where the federating units are crowded into one basket and expected to move at the same pace.  

But, the multifaceted challenges of diversity could be conveniently and seamlessly be accommodated in a regional arrangement.

With the country re-arranged along six (6) Geo-Political zones model, there would be a clear identity, as well as seamless growth of each region, expected to be measured on yearly basis. 

The people of south west region are reputed for their industry, resourcefulness, high level of educational accomplishments, business initiatives, very dogged spirit, rich cultures and traditions that have singled them over the decades.

It’s also instructive to submit that, Lagos, 3rd largest economy in African Sub region and unarguably the economic nerve of the country is a key part of the zone. Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Ekiti, Osun are other states that make up the region. 

The region, with the population of over 50 million people, more than 22% of the total population of the country, with natural endowments of food crops including yam, cassava, cocoyam, and the cash crops including rubber, cocoa, banana and various types of fruits, as well as solid minerals and natural resources such as, granite, crude oil, sand stone, lignite, kaolin, clay, coal, tin, limestone, gold, etc. is expected to galvanize the resources to turn around the fortunes of the region for the well-being of the region’s citizenry, as well as returning specific percentage (as may be determined in the new arrangement) to the FAAC account.

The south east region comprises of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo with estimated population of about 22 million is reputed majorly for economic and entrepreneurial activities.

Although the South East is the smallest geopolitical zone, it contributes greatly to the Nigerian economy on account of sizeable deposit of oil and natural gas reserves along with a growing industrialized economy.

The region has a population of about 36 million people, around 18% of the total population of the country.

Indeed, the zone is highly noted for its commercial and trading activities with small and medium indigenous industries that are manufacturing goods and services of various types.

Labelling the south east region as China/Japan of Nigeria/Africa is never an overstatement.

It’s expected that Igbos would rise to the occasion, jettisoning their continual belligerent posture and capitalizing on the opportunity of regional government to turn their region around and also be a partaker in contributing reasonably to the FAAC account. 

The South South region, with estimated population of about 26 million, accounting for 12% of the total population of the country, is one of the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria.

 It designates both a geographic and political region of the country’s eastern coast. It comprises six states – Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, and Rivers.

Although the South South represents only 5% of Nigerian territory, it contributes greatly to the Nigerian economy on account of its extensive oil and natural gas reserves, with two of the nation major oil refineries located Port Harcourt and Warri, the two key locations in the zone. . 

The zone stretches along the Atlantic seaboard from the Bight of Benin coast in the west to the Bight of Bonny coast in the east. It encloses much of the Niger Delta, which is instrumental in the environment and economic development of the region.

The Geo-political zone, indeed, the treasure based of the nation would be the greatest beneficial of the regional arrangement.

It’s expected that the expected arrangement would herald huge development particularly in infrastructural, educational, and economic and ICT sector in the zone.

The regional government arrangement may also open a new vista of entrepreneurial initiatives era in the zone, as the army of militant youths are expected to embrace spirit of industry, resourcefulness and productivity.

More importantly, significant increase in oil revenues is projected ahead in the zone, with ultimate beneficiary being the FAAC account.       

The North West region, with population of about 49 million people, around 23% of the total population of the country, comprising Kano the most populous city, as well as the second most populous city in Nigeria and the twentieth most populous city in Africa, is  one of the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Other states in the zone are Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara.

North West zone is home to the major military formations and institutions of higher learning. The Zone is endowed with the farming, textile industries, plastic industry, and rice processing machine among others.

Geographically, the zone is almost entirely within the tropical West Sudanian savanna eco-region, and the indigenous cultural homeland of the Hausa people, with sizable minorities of Fulani people and other groups, mainly on the zone’s peripheries.

The economic activities of this zone are commerce and farming particularly, fishing, livestock rearing especially in cattle, sheep and goat and they’re very good about this.

It’s expected that the regional government would give them the ample opportunity to move this economic activities to a new level for the benefit of their citizenry, as well as making significant contribution on monthly basis to FAAC account. 

The North East zone, is the one of the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria representing both a geographic and political region of the country’s northeast. It comprises six states – Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba, and Yobe.

Geographically, the North East is the largest geopolitical zone in the nation, covering nearly one-third of Nigeria’s total area.

The region has a population of about 26 million people, around 12% of the total population of the country, with Maiduguri and Bauchi the most populous cities in the zone.

The zone is known for its livestock and the growth of crops which contribute greatly to the economy of the country.

There exists no doubt that North East region have the combined resources not only to succeed and prosper in the expected regional arrangement, but also to contribute their quota to national treasury. 

The North Central region, with population of about 20 million people, around 11% of the total population of the country is the one of the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria representing the majority of the country’s Middle Belt.

It comprises six states – Benue, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, and Plateau. Of course, the zone enjoys proximity to country administrative capital, FCT, Abuja

The zone is indeed the food basket of the nation, with sizeable percentage of agricultural products supply to across the country, coming from Benue, Abuja, Gombe, even, Taraba with their high presence in agricultural activities.

The region is also very predominant in rearing livestock.

There is no iota of doubt that, the regional government arrangement  would also bring the zone to the fore in the areas they have comparative advantage, with the ultimate result of benefiting the people of the region, as well as contributing their quota to national development.

As Tinubu administration is poised to bequeath a legacy of new government arrangement on the nation, Nigerians pray fervently that may the president and national assembly and its leadership have the courage and patriotic zeal to see the project through.


Lagos based Financial & Management Consultants,


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