Igbo traders in Ilorin lock shops over tax controversy

Mosunmola Ayobami, Ilorin 

Igbo traders in the Ilorin metropolis, again on Tuesday shut down shops and business outlets over tax controversy and rejection to pay through a central pool by Kwara state Internal Revenue Service, (KWIRS).

Recently, Westernpost reported that stakeholders, including the Chief of staff and the Senior Adviser/Counselor to the Governor of Kwara state, intervened and resolved the issue peacefully.

But the issue took another dimension on Monday and Tuesday when the Igbo traders locked their shops and businesses throughout the length and breadth of Ilorin to express their continued grievances.

A proposed press conference called by the Igbo traders for Tuesday, 11.30 a.m., to update the public on the issue was shelved for unknown reasons.

A source at the state revenue service office disclosed that the revenue service had rejected ‘a central pool’ mode of tax payment advanced by the Igbo traders.

“The revenue service is insisting that all Igbo traders and business owners must pay their tax individually and not as a collective body of traders,” the sources added.

The Igbo traders had also insisted that they prefer the collective mode of tax payment as a body which the revenue service has vehemently rejected.

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