IPOB declares May 30 sit-at-home to commemorate civil war victims

By Innocent Raphael

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has announced May 30th as a sit-at-home day to honor the memory of those who perished during the Nigerian Civil War.

In a statement released by the group’s spokesperson, Emma Powerful, the decision aims to commemorate the sacrifices made by Biafrans from 1967 to 1970 and beyond.

According to the statement, the sit-at-home directive extends to all Biafrans, supporters of Biafra, advocates of freedom, and residents within Biafran territory.

The day, marked annually as Heroes Remembrance Day, is dedicated to reflecting on the lives lost during the conflict and to underscore the ongoing struggle for Biafran independence.

IPOB’s directive includes the closure of schools, government offices, private establishments, banks, and transportation services on May 30, 2024, except for essential services like healthcare.

While stating there would be exceptions for services considered important to human living, the group called upon Christians and adherents of traditional religions to offer prayers for the fallen heroes and for the realization of Biafra’s independence.

“Exceptions to this directive are institutions and individuals on special duties such as Nurses, Doctors, Ambulance services, Hospitals, and medical workers who are allowed to operate on that day. We call on Christians and Traditional worshipers to use this day to pray to Chukwu Okike Abiama for the fallen heroes and also pray for Biafra Independence from this nation called Nigeria,” it read.

The commemoration is not confined to Biafran territory alone, as Biafrans residing in other parts of Nigeria are encouraged to participate by remaining indoors on the designated day.

The announcement serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for the survival and dignity of the Biafran people.

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