Jama’atu Taawunil launches Islamic market with price control in Iwo

By Deborah Oladejo, Osogbo

An Islamic organization based in Iwo, Osun State, Jama’atu Taawunil Muslimeen has launched an Islamic market designed to alleviate the plight of the poor and address the challenges posed by the current economic hardships facing the nation.

The Islamic market situated at Daarul hijrah Ta’awun emirate, Ebu alawe in Iwo, established with strict adherence to standardized measurements and price controls will help to create a level playing field for both vendors and customers.

The driving force behind this initiative, the grand mufti of Yorubaland, Ameer Taawun Dawood Imran, who shared his heartfelt vision during the market’s launch said, “Our mission is to provide relief and hope to those most impacted by the current hardships facing our nation. We cannot rely solely on Government intervention and this is our own way to meet the needs of the community.”

Imran, who also doubles as the National President/Ameer of the Islamic organization asserted that the market does not discriminate based on religious affiliation emphasizing that all are welcome to engage in commerce within the market.

The Islamic cleric noted that the market is not meant to undermine existing markets but rather to provide much-needed relief to those struggling to make ends meet.

He said, ” we are starting with foodstuffs, we conducted market research and carefully analyzed the prices of goods in other local markets, we are able to offer the same products at significantly lower costs.

” For examples gari is being sold at N900 compared to the N1,200 commonly found in other local markets. Similarly, maize prices have been reduced to N1,100 compared to N1300, N1400 in other markets while rice is being sold here at N2,600, a significant saving compared to the N2,700 price tag typically seen elsewhere.

” This is not what the Government can influence, we’ll influence it ourselves. If God permits us, we are planning on farming that is capable of feeding the nation in order to break the monopoly of markets making life unbearable for average citizens.

“We are under the Nigerian Government but we’ll do our best to understand the Constitution to ease the hardship people are encountering.

“We are calling on people who are also ready to sell their goods at a reduced cost because we have control over the price here.

“We will extend the market branches across the nation, but this is just a starting point.”

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