Local airlines refuse to sign agreement to airlift pilgrims to Saudi Arabia over Sudan crisis

Representatives of local airlines selected to airlift Muslim pilgrims to this year’s hajj in Saudi Arabia on Thursday refused to sign contract agreement with the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON).

The local airlines cited the ongoing crisis in Sudan as an excuse for their action.

They said that they needed to consult within and outside the country before signing the agreement.

The airlines involved are Air Peace, Azman Air, Max Air, and Aero Contractors.

The signing of the airlift agreement, was consequently shifted to next week Tuesday.

However, the only foreign airline among them, Fly Nas, signed the agreement.

The airline is allocated to fly over 28,000 pilgrims to and from Saudi Arabia for the hajj exercise.

The Sudan airspace, which has been shut as result of the conflict is the shortest route from Nigeria to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Taking another route would be costly and require a review of the hajj fare pilgrims will have to pay


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