Ogun Assembly: Oluomo’s impeachment vindicated me, says former Deputy Speaker

By Kolawole Olayinka, Abeokuta

Former Deputy Speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly, Hon. Oludare Kadiri, has said that Oluomo’s impeachment vindicated him.

Kadiri, who represented Ijebu North Constituency II from 2015 to 2023, was removed from office after accusing Oluomo of financial impropriety.

Speaking with journalists on Friday, Kadiri said, “Everyone knows how Hon Osho and myself were assaulted, disgraced and victimised when Oluomo was Speaker at the Ogun State House of Assembly. But with this latest development, the whole world must have seen what we were saying at that time”.

“The allegations upon which he was impeached were almost the same thing with the grounds for my grouse against him then.

“He talks to people anyhow, divides the Assembly, trying to paint some as the governor’s boys while tagging some others as anti-government. These were the things I was shouting against then. But people seemed not to understand me or maybe I was the one who wasn’t presenting my case well but thank God we all can understand now.

“The same maltreatment I faced, is the same thing the current Deputy Speaker Hoon. Mrs Latifat Ajayi is facing. So going by what has happened, I have been vindicated and tuesday was one of my happiest days on earth because God really vindicated me.

“I couldn’t sleep; there were different calls from different quarters, some even apologised to me that they misunderstood me.

“This is a victory for all of us in Ogun State and our democracy. We just have to salvage our country; corruption cannot just continue to thrive in our system and while we expect that development will take place”.

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