Opinion: Tinubu remains the only viable option for the integrity Governors, by Kola Amzat

The news presently dominant in the political space is the escape of the integrity governors to London during the Christmas celebration period, ostensibly from the prying eyes of the Nigerian public in their quest to take a definitive and decisive political decision that would not only significantly affecting their future political careers but also influencing the direction of 2023 presidential polls.

Nigerians must salute the courage, steadfastness, relentlessness and patriotic zeal of the governors in ensuring that fairness, equity and justice takes center stage in the Nigerian political landscape. What’s their grouse?

That power should shift to the South after about eight solid years that political control & authority has been residing in the North! That’s what Governor Wike and his group have been fighting for since they were edged out and outwitted by PDP power brokers during that party presidential primary.

Even though political arena is replete of different shades of characters; politicians that have completely jettisoned selflessness and people who bother less about decorum and decency, Wike and his group seem to have resolve not to be in this category.

Within the last couple of months, their conducts, comportment and public pronouncements speak volumes of where they stand. They’ve been dogged and operating with single-mindedness with the sole objective of pushing their point through.

The centre-piece of this write-up is therefore to admonish and implore them to carefully look before they leap as they about to take political decisions that would surely impact on them as individuals, as well as Nigeria nation.

They must be circumspect in taking decision that would not subject them to scorn, ridicule and embarrassment of their political adversaries, who are already plotting for their misfortune.

Before they jetted out, it’s reported that the governors had foreclosed the possibility of working for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, so technically, they have only two presidential candidates to decide on-Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and Peter Obi, the APC and Labour candidates respectively.  

If indeed their goal & objective is to ensure that political power does not only shift to the south, but also move to the candidate with capacity and wherewithal to battle PDP candidate, Alhaji Atiku to submission, then the only plausible option they have is Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and this is against the following backdrops:   

Their uncompromising and unyielding resolve to ensure that power shifts to the south is in sync with that of all the progressive governors in the north, who have even gone a step further by wholly and passionately pitching their tents with Tinubu of  the south west geo-political zone, a candidate they are of the strong conviction has the temerity and will power to turn around the fortunes of this country, as well as rekindling the touch of unity and togetherness seem to have disappeared amongst the diverse ethnic groups in the country.     

It’s also not in doubt that Tinubu has awesome and very impressive political structure all over the country; strong enough for him to coast to victory at the presidential polls. It would therefore be appropriate for the integrity governors to collaborate with the APC candidate in his quest for the topmost job, an ideal and strategic move that would ensure they don’t fruitlessly dissipate their energy.

Empirically, it’s been proved in Nigeria since the country embrace democratic governance that for a candidate to record victory in the presidential election, he must as a matter of necessity records good outing in the North West geo-political zone. It’s widely acknowledged that Tinubu remains the candidate to beat in this all important region as it stands shoulders high above all other candidates in all the nooks and crannies of the zone. Therefore, it would be a win-win situation if the integrity governors could openly declare their supports for him to win at polls.

On account of our political peculiarity, it’s also compelling for a presidential candidate in Nigeria to have the home base support if generality of electorates are to take his candidacy serious. The south west geo-political zone have continue to remain the political fortress of Asiwaju Tinubu. Peter Obi can’t lay claim to the south east as his political bloc. Nigerians recall that recently, the governor of his state, a state he once governed tore his presidency ambition to shreds. Prof Soludo submitted that Peter Obi doesn’t have the necessary capacity and wherewithal to preside over a humongous country like Nigeria and that, he should do well to forget his ambition.         

Tinubu commanding and very impressive performance in all fronts during his tenure as Lagos state governor has also put him in good stead as candidate to support by well-meaning Nigerians, including the integrity governors during the forthcoming presidential polls.

The country is in critical state of her existence. The economy is tottering. Unemployment is mounting. Manufacturing sector is almost dead. Inflationary rate is frightening by the day. There is general insecurity in the land. There is despondency across the country. The nation is obviously in dire need of a rallying point and a visionary leader, with capacity to take decisive decisions capable of resetting, reengineering, restructuring and repositioning every gamut of our national life. Tinubu perfectly fits the bill. Integrity governors would do well to have trust and confidence in his ability to lead this wonderful nation.

It’s also germane to note that emotionally, psychologically, physically, materially and spiritually, Bola Tinubu seems to have prepared himself to the tilt for the presidency. According to him, it’s been a long time that he’s been packaging himself for the office and he now have the conviction that the ‘time is now’ which he coined in Yoruba languageas ‘Emi-lokan’.

It’s instructive to note that it’s the customs and traditions in the political space to honor and respect promises and covenants, as political business is repletes with give & take and horse-trading. The integrity governors are assured that Bola Tinubu has trajectory of honouring promises and agreement. Indeed, he’s a master in this perspective. That’s why he’s been able to keep his flocks together over decades.          

Nigeria, the giant of Africa is gargantuan in status. It’s reported that for every five black people on the surface of the earth, Nigerian is one. It’s a country of diverse ethnic groups, religion, and ideology, brilliant & cerebral people in all fields, as well as diverse resource deposits. It’s also a country highly revered by the international community. So, she needs a well prepared & respected leader, with vast knowledge in every areas and helicopter views on issues, and more importantly, capacity to hold the country together, as well as galvanizing all the resources-human & resources together for the optimal benefits of the citizenry. Tinubu fits all the bills.

The integrity governors must also appreciate that Tinubu is the flag-bearer of the ruling party. Even though, the incumbent president would not impose him over Nigerians, nonetheless, necessary logistics capable of assisting his aspiration for the topmost job in the land would be made available to him. Of course, this gives unassailable edge over other candidates.

The summation of my diverse submissions is that Asiwaju Tinubu stands shoulders high above other candidates in the forthcoming presidential race. Indeed, he remains the candidate to beat.

So, if the integrity governors are indeed in search of a candidate that would give them political leverage by winning the presidential polls through their collaboration and supports, as well as victory over their political adversaries, their jobs is well cut out. They must be confident in pitching their tents with Bola Tinubu. This is their most viable option. This is the only way to go.                                          




Kola AMZAT (FCA, FCIB,  CTP, MBA)                                                                                                                 

Lagos Based Financial Consultant


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