Papa Ajasco star, Miss Tolotolo battles breast cancer

By Tosin Brown

Papa Ajasco star, Enitan Bakare aka Miss Tolotolo is currently battling to save her life as she suffers a great blow from breast cancer.

According to the actress, who is now a shadow of her old self, she has been battling with breast cancer since 2020.

Since she was diagnosed of breast cancer in 2020, Bakare has lost one breast and now the deadly cancer is threatening to claim her life after resurfacing in her second breast six months later.

The 47-year-old Bakare, says she does not want to remove her only breast but is preparing to take out the lumps before the cancerous lump spread further.

She also admitted being financially drained, having spent so much battling the disease. She also admitted that it has been hard raising funds even after appealing to several individuals and organisations including the Actors Guild of Nigeria with no luck.

“Most times, I would do one test, but lack of fund to commence treatment would make the test expire, such that when I now raise money for treatment, they would tell me that I should go and re-do the test. A vicious cycle, you may call it.”

“I am appealing for help on all fronts. I don’t want to die. I need money to remove the lumps that have grown again, so I can recommence my chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I don’t want them to cut off my second breast; I’m a woman for God’s sake! However, if removing it will make me live, then I will because the lumps are very big.”

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