PHOTO NEWS: Banky W, Mike Okonkwo, Matthew Ashimolowo, Abioye, others bid Odukoya farewell

Popular hip-hop artiste Bankole Wellington aka Banky W, and some notable clergymen attended the funeral service of the late founder of Fountain of Life Church, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya on Saturday.

Pastor Odukoya died in the United States of America on August 7 at the age of 67.

The Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, Bishop Mike Okonkwo; the Senior Pastor of Kingsway International Christian Centre and Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, First Vice President of the Living Faith Church Worldwide and the Senior Pastor in-charge of the Abuja church, David Abioye, among other ministers of the gospel were on ground to bid farewell to one of the prominent Christian leaders in Nigeria

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