Police drag suspect who escaped from custody in handcuff to court

By Deborah Oladejo, Osogbo

Osun State Police Command on Monday, dragged a 22-year-old man, Akanni Ridwan before a Magistrates’ Court in Osogbo for escaping from its custody in handcuff.

The Police said Ridwan and one other suspect, now at large escaped from one of its custodies in Osogbo, in handcuffs, which was later allegedly destroyed.

The Police further said, that Ridwan was later arrested, while the other suspect fled.

The duo allegedly committed the crime on March 2, 2023 at about 11:00pm at Gbonmi Area, Oke-Baale, Osogbo.

The suspect was slammed with a four-count charge bordering on conspiracy, escaping from lawful custody and possession of Indian hemp.

Police prosecutor, Rasaq Olayiwola during arraignment, told the court Ridwan committed felony to wit escape/malicious damage.

Olayiwola further explained that the suspect was unlawfully in possession of dried weeds suspected to be Indian hemp. He added that the accused escaped from lawful custody with handcuff, property of the Nigeria Police Force and maliciously damaged the said police handcuff valued at N10,000.

The alleged offences according to the prosecutor contravene Section 516, 430, 451 and 135 (b) of the Criminal Code Cap 34 Vol II Laws of Osun State of Nigeria, 2002.

However, the accused person pleaded not guilty to the allegations.

Defence counsel, Suleiman Akano, applied for the bail of the accused in the most liberal term.

But, the prosecution objected to the bail application on the ground that the defendant had escaped from police custody and had the tendency of abusing bail privilege if granted

In his ruling, Magistrate A. A. Adeyeba granted the accused person bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties in the like amount. 

Adeyeba directed that one of the sureties must be a businessman and a biological relation of the defendant. 

He thereafter, adjourned the case till May 16, 2023 for hearing.

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