Tinubu in support of local government autonomy, says SGF Akume

PresidentBola Ahmed Tinubu favours local governments’ autonomy, Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator George Akume said Thursday.

He stated that the Federal Government will make every effort to implement this plan.

Akume spoke at a press conference to announce the start of ministerial briefings ahead of the Tinubu Administration’s first anniversary on May 29.

According to the SGF, President Tinubu pledges to protect the constitution, federalism’s core principles, the rule of law, and local government autonomy.

He said: “On the need for a national dialogue for local government autonomy, I think the National Assembly has done quite a lot on that issue.

“I remember the last administration also came up with some executive orders to enhance the independence of the local governments and the National Assembly is very supportive of that.

“The present government is also supportive of that. We believe and strongly too, that we will continue to improve on the questions of autonomy for the local government areas in Nigeria.”

He said the current administration has acknowledged that local government units are the level of government closest to the general public.

“In a typical federal set-up, you have tiers of governments and these tiers of governments are also independent.

“One of them has access to the Federation Account, which goes to each state and is under the control of the governors of those states and the legislators of that state. The money going to the state was supposed to be applied prudently, and efficiently for the benefit of the people. It is true that the bulk of people live in the state and local government.”

Speaking on the one year of the administration, Akume said: “From the outset, President Tinubu set forth an ambitious agenda focused on economic revitalization, social inclusion, and infrastructural development.

“The government has implemented significant economic reforms aimed at stabilizing our economy and fostering sustainable growth. Key among these is the introduction of policies that have attracted foreign investments, reduced inflation, and boosted job creation across various sectors.

“Mr President’s commitment to enhancing our nation’s infrastructure is also evident in the completion and ongoing execution of numerous projects, notable among which are the extensive road networks, improved rail systems, and the modernization of our ports, which are vital for boosting trade and connectivity.

“In the same vein, recognizing the importance of human capital development, the present administration has made substantial investments in healthcare and education. The launch of new healthcare facilities and the upgrade of existing ones, along with reforms in our educational system, underscores the government’s dedication to the well-being and future of our citizens.”

He added: “More importantly, ensuring the safety and security of all Nigerians remains a top priority of government. It has therefore, strengthened our security apparatus, enhanced intelligence gathering, and fostered greater collaboration among security agencies to address the multifaceted challenges of security across the country.

“This administration has also rolled out several social intervention programmes aimed at alleviating poverty and empowering the vulnerable segments of our society. These initiatives have provided financial assistance, skill acquisition opportunities, and improved access to essential services.”

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