President Tinubu attends Eid prayers in Lagos

President Bola Tinubu on Sunday attended Eid-el-Kabir prayers at the Dodan Barracks Praying Ground in Lagos.

The President left Abuja for Lagos, on Friday to celebrate this year’s Eid Ul Adhan Islamic festival.

Speaking with reporters after observing the prayers, President Tinubu urged Nigerians to love one another and share what they have with their neighbours in the spirit of the celebration.

He stressed the need for sacrifices to be made to build the nation and encouraged the citizens to remain committed to the shared goal of developing the country.

Eid Ul Adha also called the Feast of Sacrifice, is celebrated annually to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s ultimate test of faith.

The Federal Government declared Monday and Tuesday, June 17 and 18 as holidays to mark the celebration.

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