We need vigilance in sustaining democracy – Abdulsalam

By Innocent Raphael

Former Head of State, General Abdulsalami Abubakar (retired), emphasized the importance of constant nurturing and vigilance to sustain democracy in Nigeria.

Speaking through General Adamu Jidda at the second edition of the ThisNigeria Newspaper Gold Prize and Annual Lecture Awards on Thursday, Abubakar addressed the theme “25 Years of Nigeria’s Unbroken Democracy – Prospects and Possibilities.”

Abubakar highlighted the necessity of focusing on electoral integrity, human rights, economic development, and social justice.

He acknowledged that Nigeria’s democratic journey has faced significant trials, with the past 25 years underscoring the need for ongoing attention and action in these areas.

“Democracy is an evolving process. We have faced political turbulence, economic fluctuation, and social upheaval, yet through it all, the Nigerian spirit has remained indomitable,” he stated.

He praised Nigerians for their unity and commitment to inclusive and democratic elections despite their differences. Abubakar expressed optimism about the future, noting that the next 25 years would bring both challenges and opportunities.

He stressed the collective responsibility of Nigerians to build and strengthen democratic foundations and institutions.

Reflecting on the country’s democratic journey since 1999, Abubakar observed that Nigeria embarked on democratic governance with aspirations, challenges, and a steadfast commitment to freedom, justice, and equality.

He also emphasized the critical role of the media in the democratic process, describing the press as the “watchdog of democracy.” He commended Nigerian media for their efforts in holding leaders accountable, highlighting important issues, and providing a platform for diverse voices.

Abubakar concluded by urging Nigerians to continue their remarkable journey towards a stronger and more resilient democracy.

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