Zamfara 2015 corps member incident grossly misrepresented online- Police

By Innocent Raphael

The Nigeria Police Force has said the viral video on social media regarding an alleged incident involving a Corps member in Kaura Namoda, Zamfara State, was grossly misrepresented.

It would be recalled that the incident occurred in 2015.

A statement issued on Saturday by the Police, said a female student wrote something the Corps member found insulting during a test and that in response, the Corps member punished the student by making her crawl on her knees, resulting in injuries.

The student’s family, unhappy with the punishment, reported the matter to the police. The Area Commander at the time detained the Corps member temporarily.

However, the Commissioner of Police later intervened and ordered the release of the Corps member. The issue was subsequently resolved amicably, with no further escalation.

The police also noted that the picture circulating with the social media posts has no connection to the actual individuals or events involved in the 2015 incident. It is an unrelated image used to sensationalize and mislead the public.

The Police urged the public, particularly the NYSC body, to disregard the false information being spread.

It also warned those who generate and circulate falsehoods aimed at discrediting the government and Nigerian institutions, causing discomfort, and creating fear among the public to desist, adding that such actions are unpatriotic, criminal, and punishable under the law.

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